Gilgit Baltistan

The Siachen Glacier of Baltistan, Pakistan

Siachen is a Balti language word meaning ‘’wild Rose’’. This plant grows more on this glacier, so the Balti people call it Siachen. It is located in the Ganchhe district of Baltistan, where it passes through a village called Saltoro, as it is a disputed area and is sometimes not even counted in the Ganchhe district.

The Siachen Glacier of Baltistan, Pakistan

Siachen is indeed part of Baltistan, Pakistan and has been shown on Pakistani maps in all the maps of the world, but it was occupied by the Indian Army in 1984 with the aim of severing ties between Pakistan and China.

The Siachen Glacier was occupied by India in 1984. Since then, the issue has been a source of contention between India and Pakistan. There have been several rounds of talks between the Indian and Pakistani leaders, including a track-to-diplomacy, to end India’s occupation of this lofty place, but no solution has yet been found.

Siachen the coldest and highest battlefield 

Even in summer, the temperature on the Siachen Glacier stays close to minus 10. While in winter it reaches minus 50 degrees. As a result, there is no possibility of any kind of life flourishing here throughout the year.

For the soldiers stationed there, not only eating but also breathing at this temperature is a very difficult task. It is common for soldiers to die and their limbs to malfunction due to the severity of the cold.

Demonstrating unparalleled courage on this highest battlefield, Pakistan’s Sputas have not only stopped India’s aggression but are also sacrificing their precious lives in the face of the harsh weather.

So far, hundreds of Pakistani soldiers have been martyred fighting the Indian occupation on this front and fighting the harshest cold, avalanches and winds.

Not only Pakistan is being harmed on the Siachen front but Indian soldiers are also being killed. India is spending Rs 10 billion on the war front every year while it is also increasing financial pressure on Pakistan.

Environmental effect 

In this way, both countries are spending their financial and human resources on a useless war in this place. In addition, this military equipment and its use are having a deadly effect on the environment. Environmentalists say military action by both sides is causing significant damage to aquatic life.

In addition, trees on the slopes are being damaged. The glacier is melting very fast due to which floods are coming continuously in Pakistan. Some parts of India have also been hit by floods due to the faster melting of snow.

Read also: Bilamik Valley: The best tourist destination in Gilgit Baltistan

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