Hotels in Skardu Baltistan

Below are some hotels in Skardu Baltistan with contact numbers and names. This is the updated hotel list with details as of  2020. So, we hope that it will help all tourists to find out some best hotels and resorts to enjoy their tour in Skardu Baltistan.

The below hotel list is for Skardu and Baltistan region only. We will update the list of Gilgit Region as well as soon as possible.

Read also: SCOM internet packages

Hotels in Skardu Baltistan

Hotel Name Location Cell Website
Shangrilla Resort Arif Aslam Kachura Skardu 0300-9861006
Snowland Guest House Haji Jaffar Radio Pakistan Chowk Skardu 0303-8490590
Mashabrum Hotel Babu Raza College Road Skardu 0312-9905395
Dewan e Khas Musa Khan Raja Road Skardu 0321-8595494
Concordia Motel Sher Ali Hameed Gargh 0346-9555006
Hotel Snowland Palace Saleem Abbas Hameed Gargh 0345-9602504
Hargisa Hut M.Raza Sundus Skardu 0345-9473359
Al-Kausar Hotel & Restaurant Rahat Ali Hussaini Chowk 0355-5551602
Baltistan Continental Muhammad Ashraf Clifton Skardu 0341-6821603
Baltistan Tourist House M.Jamal College Road Skardu 0346-5261402
City Inn Hotel Akhon Ali Hussaini Chowk
Deosai Gateway Hotel G.Abbas Satpara
Deosai Top Hotel M.Ismail Deosai Top
Dewan e khas Musa Khan Near SCO Raja Road Skardu
Gasherbrum Hotel shahid College Road Skardu 0312-9901777
Gazi Hotel M.Iftikhar Kachura Skardu
Heaven International Yadgar chowk
Hilton Hotel Hussaini Hussaini Chowk 0345- 5264213
Indus Motel Nazir College Road Skardu 0346-5452608
Karakuram Inn waqar Yadgar chowk 0323-9711711
Karakuram Lodge Haji Iqbal Khaplu Baltistan 0355-5400222
Kashmir Inn Iqbal Qatal Gagh Chock
Khaplu Palace Abbas Khaplu Baltistan 0346-9556062
Lake View Motel M.Hussain Satpara Lake 0346-9535173
Nazara Hotel Nazir Kachura Skardu 0345-4399353
Paradise Hotel Aman College Road Skardu
Satpara Lake Inn M.Essa Satpara Lake 0355-5102644
Shalimar  Hotel Manzoor Near Shangrilla Resort 0342-5127387
Shigar Fort Karim Shigar Valley 0346-8115608
Skardu Inn Sabir College Road Skardu 0346-5490089
Space Jaffar Shigar 0346-9558590
Taj Mahal Hamza College Road Skardu 0312-9905345
Tibet Motel Basharat Kachura Skardu 0312-9163660






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